30.05.2006 Plattentipps: Grap (Halle)
- Monolake "Plumbicon" Rebreather Mix (Monolake/Imbalance Computer Music)
- Foremost Poets "Moonraker" Acapella (Junior London)
- Scene 5/ Discussion & Dialogue "5-9 Vintage Series" (Jack FM)
- Hieroglyphic Being "Conversations In A Analog Dialect" (Klang)
- Scene 3/ Take 1 "3-9 Vontage Series" (Jack FM)
- Hieroglyphic Being "The Temple Of The Moon" (Mathematics)
- The Sun God "Above The Clouds" (Ancient Echoes EP, Klang)
- Hieroglyphic Being "The Temple Of The Sun" (Mathematics)
- Scene 1/ Take 1 (Jack FM)